





  鱼尾狮公园(Merlion Park),是新加坡面积最小的公园。

  鱼尾狮公园 (Merlion's Park),坐落于浮尔顿一号隔邻的填海地带。新的鱼尾狮公园面积达0.25公顷,比旧公园0.0071公顷扩大30多倍。




  鱼尾狮logoThe merlion (Simplified Chinese: 鱼尾狮; Pinyin: Yúwěishī) is a statue with the head of a lion and the body of a fish. Its name comes from a portmanteau of mermaid and lion. The merlion was designed by Fraser Brunner for the Singapore Tourism Board in 1964 and was used as its logo up to 1997. The Merlion continues to be its trademark symbol. It also appears frequently in STB-approved souvenirs.

  Based on the Singapore Tourism Board's publicity campaign, the lion head and fish body of the creature recalls the story of the legendary Sang Nila Utama, who saw a lion while hunting on an island, en route to Malacca. The island eventually became the sea port of Temasek, a precursor to Singapore.

  Merlion statue

  The original Merlion statue stood at the opening of the Singapore River. The then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, officiated the installation ceremony of the Merlion statue on 15 September 1972. In 2002, the statue was relocated to its current site that fronts Marina Bay with the completion of the Esplanade Bridge in 1997. The statue measures 8.6 metres high and weighs 70 tonnes. A taller replica can be found on Sentosa Island. The Merlion statue on Marina Bay was built from cement fondue by the late Singapore craftsman, Lim Nang Seng.[1]

  Other Merlion statues

  There are five official Merlions in Singapore approved by the Singapore Tourism Board. These include the two at Merlion Park, one a smaller Merlion and the other the main Merlion (both by Lim Nang Seng in 1972).


  * Merlion Park on Marina Bay (2)

  * Sentosa, which is a taller replica

  * Mount Faber

  * Tourism Court in Tanglin


  * Hakodate, Hokkaidō, Japan built by Masaru Yanagisawa.

  * Shenzhen, China, on Window of the World.[2]


  * From 5 June 2006 till 10 July 2006, the Merlion at Merlion Park underwent a spruce-up. Visitors were greeted with illustrated hoardings and canvases covering the safety nettings. The illustrations were designed by Miel, an award-winning senior artist at The Straits Times.

  The Merlion in art and popular culture

  * Edwin Thumboo cemented the iconic status of the Merlion as a personification of Singapore with his poem Ulysses by the Merlion in 1979. Due to Thumboo's status as Singapore's unofficial poet laureate and the nationalistic mythmaking qualities of his poetry, future generations of Singaporean poets have struggled with the symbol of the Merlion, frequently taking an ironic, critical, or even hostile stand - and pointing out its artificiality and the refusal of ordinary Singaporeans to accept a tourist attraction as their national icon. The poem "attracted considerable attention among subsequent poets, who have all felt obliged to write their own Merlion (or anti-Merlion) poems, illustrating their anxiety of influence, as well as the continuing local fascination with the dialectic between a public and a private role for poets, which Thumboo (as Yeats before him, in the Irish context) has wanted to sustain as a fruitful rather than a tense relation between the personal and the public." Among the poems of this nature are "Merlign" by Alvin Pang and "Love Song for a Merlion" by Vernon Chan.

  * The Merlion was featured - or not featured, depending on how you look at it - in the 2005 Venice Biennale in the work of artist Lim Tzay Chuen called "Mike". In his controversial work, he had proposed taking the sculpture in the Merlion Park to the Singapore Pavilion at the exhibition.[3] The request was refused by the authorities.

  * The Merlion has appeared in a number of films and television series, becoming almost a visual cliché to Singapore as the Eiffel Tower is to Paris.

  * It notably appeared in the anime Cowboy Bebop, where its appearance in an ancient home movie offered amnesiac bounty hunter Faye Valentine a clue to her true origins.

  * A merlion can be seen on the Crest of the 8th Marine Regiment of the United States Marine Corps. [4]

  新加坡地标鱼尾狮狮身鱼尾像是新加坡的标志性建筑之一,准确的来说应该叫鱼尾狮像。不过鱼尾狮并不是新加坡唯一的标志性建筑,还有新加坡总统府、新加坡最高法院、榴莲壳歌剧院等,都算是新加坡的标志和象征。每个建筑的背后 ,都有一个故事,它们象征着新加坡的文化,现在已经是新加坡的代表特色了。











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