




 when it hears the noise. It will retreat, and Bogrod must place his palm upon the

  door of the vault.” They advanced around the corner again, shaking the Clankers, and the noise

  echoed off the rocky walls, grossly magnified, so that the inside of Harry’s skull seemed

  to vibrate with the den. The dragon let out another hoarse roar, then retreated. Harry

  could see it trembling, and as they drew nearer he saw the scars made by vicious slashes

  across its face, and guess that it had been taught to fear hot swords when it heard the

  sound of the Clankers. “Make him press his hand to the door!” Griphook urged Harry, who turned his

  wand again upon Bogrod. The old goblin obeyed, pressing his palm to the wood, and the

  door of the vault melted away to reveal a cavelike opening crammed from floor to ceiling

  with golden coins and goblets, silver armor, the skins of strange creatures – some with

  long spines, other with drooping wings – potions in jeweled flasks, and a skull still

  wearing a crown. “Search, fast!” said Harry as they all hurried inside the vault. He had

  described Hufflepuff’s cap to Ron and Hermione, but if it was the other, unknown

  Horcrux that resided in this vault, he did not know what it looked like. He barely had

  time to glance around, however, before there was a muffled clunk from behind them: The

  door had reappeared, sealing them inside the vault, and they were plunged into total

  darkness. “No matter, Bogrod will be able to release us!” said Griphook as Ron gave a

  shout of surprise. “Light your wands, can’t you? And hurry, we have little time!” “Lumos!” Harry shone his lit wand around the vault: Its beam fell upon glittering jewels; he

  saw the fake sword of Gryffindor lying on a high shelf amongst a jumble of chains. Ron

  and Hermione had lit their wands too, and were now examining the piles of objects

  surrounding them. “Harry, could this be -- ? Aargh!” Hermione screamed in pain, and Harry turned his wand on her in time to see a

  jeweled goblet tumbling from her grip. But as it fell, it split, became a shower of goblets,

  so that a second later, with a great clatter, the floor was covered in identical cups rolling

  in every direction, the original impossible to discern amongst them. “It burned me!” moaned Hermione, sucking her blistered fingers. “They have added Germino and Flagrante Curses!” said Griphook. “Everything you touch will bu

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