


  莲花,也被称为“ Kamal ka Phool”,是印度的国花,莲花被为圣洁之花,在古代度的艺术与神话中占有独特的地位,并在印度文化中尊为吉祥的象征。印度教和神话中,描绘掌管学习的 Saraswathi女神,就是端坐在一个莲花上。莲花不仅仅是一种花,它代表了美和超脱。有句话说的是,虽然莲花长在泥土里,但它闻起来却有没药的香味。





  正是因为莲花的这些高尚含义和文化意义, 才使现代印度的开国之父把莲花奉为国花,并载入宪法。


  The Lotus, also known as" Kamal ka Phool” is the national flower of India. Lotus is a sacred flower and occupies a unique position in the art and mythology of ancient India and has been an auspicious symbol of Indian culture. Hindu religion and mythology portray goddess Saraswathi, the muse of learning, as being seated on a lotus flower. The lotus is more than a flower —it represents both beauty and non-attachment. There is a saying that although it grows in mud. it smells of myrrh.

  The lotus grows in fresh water ponds and lakes and in semitropical climates. It blossoms gradually and magnificently -one petal at a time and reaches full bloom when the rays of the sun kiss the flower. There are innumerable poems praising the love between the sun and the flower in literature in general and Indian literature in particular. The lotus is found in different colours, namely, white,red, blue, pink, and purple and is found in many Asian countries.

  The lotus is edible and has many curative properties: its use in traditional Asian medicine is as old as history. The flower is used to brew lotus teas, which relieves cardiac complications and helps to stop bleeding. The roots of the plant help in getting rid of the body's toxic wastes and in strengthening the lives: it also helps in reducing body heat. The roots and rhizomes are useful in treating small pox, throat complications, pigmentation problems in skin, and diarrhoea.

  The cooked lotus root is good for the stomach and the reproductive organs. It also helps to contract the blood vessels and prevents blood loss and complications such as coughing blood and blood in stools. The stem helps in the healthy growth of the foetus and also used to treat tightness of the chest. The lotus seed is used to tone the spleen and the kidney and is also used as food. Soups are also made from the seeds. The large leaves are used as cold bed sheets to treat high fever and for the treatment of summer heat and further they are used to things. The things that are thus wrapped remain fragrant for a long time.

  Lotus has a message to convey to humans. Although, lotus is an archetype of beauty. it symbolises non-attachment.Even though the lotus is rooted in mud. it continues to float on the water without becoming wet or muddy.

  This aspect of the lotus dictates how humans ought to live in this world —work incessantly but be not attached to the work and to the surroundings. The Bhagavad Gita says, "One who performs his duty without attachment, surrendering the results onto the Supreme Lord, is unaffected by sinful action, as the lotus leaf is untouched by water.” It is because of these noble meanings

  and cultural significance that made the founding fathers of modern India enshrine the lotus in our constitution as the national flower.




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