
How to Express "怎么说" in English

As a non-native English speaker, you may often come across situations where you want to ask for the right way to express something in English. The phrase "怎么说" (zěn me shuō) in Chinese is commonly used when we are unsure of how to express something in words. This article will provide you with some useful expressions and tips on how to convey this phrase effectively in English.

1. Asking for Clarification

When you don't understand what someone has said or need them to rephrase their statement, you can use the following phrases to ask for clarification:

- "I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" - "Could you please explain that again?"- "Can you say that again, but in simpler terms?"

2. Asking for a Definition

If you encounter a new word or term and would like to know its meaning, these phrases can help you.

- "What does [word/term] mean?" - "Could you define [word/term], please?"- "I'm not familiar with [word/term]. Could you explain it to me?"

3. Asking for Synonyms

Sometimes, you may want to find another word with the same or similar meaning to replace an overused or inappropriate word. Use these phrases to ask for synonyms:

- "Is there another word I can use instead of [word]?" - "Do you know any other words that mean the same as [word]?" - "Could you give me a synonym for [word]?"

4. Asking for Assistance with Grammar

You may also encounter challenges with grammar when writing or speaking in English. Here are some ways to ask for help:

- "I'm not sure if this sentence is grammatically correct. Could you check it for me?"- "I'm having trouble with verb tenses. Could you explain them to me?"- "I don't know whether to use 'a' or 'an' with [word]. Which one is correct?"

5. Asking for Feedback

When practicing your English skills, it's essential to get feedback on your progress. Use these phrases to ask for feedback:

- "Can you tell me how I'm doing with my English?" - "I'm trying to improve my English. Could you give me some suggestions?" - "Could you point out any errors or mistakes in my writing/speaking?"

6. Asking for Confirmation or Agreement

Sometimes, you may want to confirm that you've expressed something correctly or want someone to agree with you. These phrases can help:

- "Do you understand what I mean?" - "Am I expressing this idea correctly in English?" - "Would you agree that [statement] is true?"


In conclusion, asking "怎么说" can be a challenging task for non-native English speakers. However, by using the above phrases and tips, you'll be able to communicate more effectively and confidently in English. Remember to practice often and don't be afraid to make mistakes – they are an essential part of learning a new language.



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